Perfect photo suite 9.5 download
Perfect photo suite 9.5 download

perfect photo suite 9.5 download

Orders placed, verbal or written, cannot be cancelled except upon terms that will compensate Cedar Graphics for all loss incurred in reliance on the order.Ħ. Because of differences in equipment, processing, proofing substrates, paper, inks, pigments, and other conditions between color proofing and production pressroom operations, a reasonable variation in color between color proofs and the completed job shall constitute acceptable delivery.ĥ. Lost press time due to Customer delay, or Customer changes and corrections, will be charged at current rates. An inspection sheet of any form can be submitted for Customer approval, at no charge, provided Customer is available at the press during the time of makeready. Unless specifically provided in quotation, press proofs will be charged for at current rates. changes are communicated verbally Customer has not ordered proofs Customer has failed to return proofs with indication of changes or Customer has instructed Cedar Graphics to proceed without submission of proofs.

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Cedar Graphics cannot be held responsible for errors under any or all of the following conditions: the work is printed per Customer’s O.K.

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If revised proofs are desired, request must be made when proofs are returned. with corrections” and signed by Customer. Corrections are to be made on “Master Set,” returned marked “O.K.” or “O.K. Pre-press proofs shall be submitted with original copy. All prices are based on material costs at the time of quotation.Ĥ. A quotation not accepted within thirty (30) days is null and void.


The parties agree that this transaction is a Commercial Transaction constituting the sale of goods and is subject to and shall be governed by the provisions of Article Two of the Uniform Commercial Code as it has been adapted and amended by the State of Iowa, and modified by these Conditions of Sale and/or Quotation.ģ. Any terms or conditions of any purchase order or other form issued by the Customer, which are in addition to, modify, or are inconsistent with the terms and conditions of this quotation will not be binding on Cedar Graphics unless the Customer and Cedar Graphics agree, in a separate writing, to such additions or modifications.Ģ. All sales are made pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in this quotation, notwithstanding the provisions of any purchase order or other commercial form of Customer submitted to Cedar Graphics.

Perfect photo suite 9.5 download